Showing posts with label Rahul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rahul. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Comment Today
Priyanka should Pose this Question to the right Person

Amba Charan Vashishth

A number of newspapers, including the MAIL TODAY, have today (May 28) published a story that Rahul Gandhi's sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has asked Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani to explain to the people why Amethi has no IIIT. It lookss Priyanka has posed this question to a wrong person, It is true that Smriti Irani did contest the election to Amethi parliamentary constituency against Rahul Gandhi last year, but she lost. Priyanka cannot be ignorant of the fact that Amethi has been the family fiefdom which was represented by her father Rajiv Gandh (he remained prime minister too for five years), her mother and her brother Rahul consecutively. Rahul is representing this constituency for the third term during which we had a Manmohan government for a decade. It remains a mystery why does Priyanka not direct this question to her brother, mother Sonia Gandhi and the Congress which ruled the country for so long.

On the contrary, both Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka should present to the electorate a balance-sheet of what they promised during all these years and what they fulfilled. Priyanka had been a star campaigner for her brother in the elections.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Modi marriage controversy

"Tu kaun (Who are you)?" so goes a Punjab saying, ”Main Khaamkhah"  (I am an unnecessary, unwanted intruder). Same is true about the unnecessary controversy that has been raked up by Congress leaders about Gujarat Chief Minister and BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Shri Narendra Modi declaring  Mrs. Jashodaben as his spouse. The Congress whose supremo Mrs. Sonia Gandhi refuses to disclose her religion to an RTI query claiming it to be a "personal" matter, appears to think otherwise of an individual's marriage about 50 years back when he was nobody in public. To Congress it is not a matter "personal" between Shri Modi and his spouse but a matter of the great party's grave concern. They are shedding crocodile electoral tears at Mrs. Jashodaben's plight’’ and are fighting for her rights as a spouse — the rights she has never sought.

The Congress also forgets the old saying that jab miaan beewi raazi, to kya karega kaazi?(When both the husband and wife are in agreement, what can kaazi – an official who interprets what is wrong or right according to religious addicts — do?) But the Congress as an organization drowning in the violent anti-current in the ocean of current Lok Sabha elections is desperately trying to catch every straw to save itself. It is usurping the role of akaazi whose help has not been sought by anyone.
The woman is undergoing fasts to pray to God to make her husband the prime minister of the country. She has never spoken a word in remorse. But Congress has assumed the role of a pleader for whom the plaintiff or defendant has not signed its vakalatnama in the party's favour. They are ignorant of the elementary requirement of our law that nobody can plead anybody's case unless he/she has an authorization signed and presented in a court of law.

The National Commission for Women (NCW) seems too eager to prove itself to be an arm of the Congress. It too has suo moto jumped in to take the stand which Congress has, forgetting that there is no petition before it for consideration from any of the parties. In the past NCW has taken a very strict legal and procedural stand in many cases saying that the aggrieved party has not approached it. But it is too kind and condescending in Mrs. Jashodaben's case.

Dr. Deepika Sharma while participating in a discussion on a media channel raised a very pertinent point. She said that Congress and certain sections of media were ignorng the great sacrifice both Shri Modi and Mrs. Jashodaben had made during the last fifty years of their life for the cause of the society and the nation.

This chest beating by a section of political parties and the media raises one more point. If one of the two brothers acquires all the property of their father giving nothing to the other and the latter makes no issue or grievance of it, does anybody have a right to make a brouhaha?

Another point. A number of cases can be quoted of Congress leaders having left their spouses in lurch for other friends or having extra-marital affairs. Can Congress party publicly affirm that it supports the conduct of Congress leaders and that the latter have been very kind and judicious towards their aggrieved spouses? Why have they not created a hullabaloo for their cases? Only because doing so would not fetch them any political dividend? Why does NCW keep its eyes blind to all such happenings of denial of justice to women within the Congress four walls?

How does the Congress Party forget the treatment their leader, the late Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi meted out to her daughter-in-law Mrs. Maneka Gandhu, widow of late Sanjay Gandhi and threw her out of her house with an infant child in her lap? Mrs. Sonia Gandhi was then a great backroom player in the whole drama. Do Mrs. Maneka and her son Varun not have an equal share and legal rights to the property and legacy of the Nehru-Gandhi family as do Mrs. Sonia and Mr. Rahul Gandhi have? Was the treatment given to Mrs. Maneka Gandhi family right? They owe an explanation to the general public.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rahul says: I'm a Brahmin". A GREAT NEWS

Sat, Apr 14, 2012 | Updated 12:04PM IST       Wor 
Rahul Gandhi to party: I'm a Brahmin and party General Secretary


NEW DELHI: Post Congress's poor show in UP, Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi seems to be brainstorming hard to come up with a revival plan for the party.
After the grand old party failed to woo voters with its pro-Dalit, pro-Muslim rhetoric, it is now looking towards its upper-caste vote bank.
Things seem to be taking a ridiculous turn however when the upper caste/Brahmin argument was invoked by a local UP leader saw Congress leader Rahul Gandhi rebutting the claim by remarking "I am a Brahmin...and general secretary in the party."
The above story carried in various newspapers and websites today is surely a great news. At the same time, it adds to the mystery. His mother Congress President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi has so far stood her ground not to disclose her own religion. But by claiming that he is a "Brahmin" Mr. Rahul Gandhi has declared himself to be a Hindu by religion and, above all, taken pride in belonging to this high caste. At the same time, his younger sister continues to be a Christian. She has married at Christian and became Mrs. Priyanka Gandhi Vadara. In other words, his statement gives the Gandhi family a cosmopolitan, multi-religious entity.
Although his father, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi and his grandmother, Mrs. Indira Gandhi were cremated according to Hindu rites, there is still no certainty as to whether they actually were Hindus or not.
Certainly, Mr. Rahul Gandhi's claim has given a new twist to the mystery. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Satire: Soniaji-Rahulji not responsible

Ask them, son!


Son:            Father.
Father:      Yes, my son.
Son:            Congress lost UP election very miserably.
Father:       That’s very unfortunate, my son.
Son:            Rahul says not he but the party fundamentals and poor
                   organization are responsible for this rout.
Father:       True.
Son:            Soniaji also says Rahulji is not at fault but the poor organization
                   and wrong selection of candidates are the culprits.
Father:       That’s also true, son.
Son:            Who finally selects the candidates?
Father:       Of course, the Congress high command.
Son:            That means Rahulji and Soniaji.
Father:       Rightly so. Who else can?
Son:            Whose duty and prerogative is to tone up the organization and
                    make its fundamentals strong?
Father:       Rahulji and Soniaji only who is president. No other can.
Son:            Then, how are they not responsible for the ugly debacle?
Father:       I don’t know. Ask them, my son.