Showing posts with label Sonia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonia. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Comment Today
Priyanka should Pose this Question to the right Person

Amba Charan Vashishth

A number of newspapers, including the MAIL TODAY, have today (May 28) published a story that Rahul Gandhi's sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has asked Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani to explain to the people why Amethi has no IIIT. It lookss Priyanka has posed this question to a wrong person, It is true that Smriti Irani did contest the election to Amethi parliamentary constituency against Rahul Gandhi last year, but she lost. Priyanka cannot be ignorant of the fact that Amethi has been the family fiefdom which was represented by her father Rajiv Gandh (he remained prime minister too for five years), her mother and her brother Rahul consecutively. Rahul is representing this constituency for the third term during which we had a Manmohan government for a decade. It remains a mystery why does Priyanka not direct this question to her brother, mother Sonia Gandhi and the Congress which ruled the country for so long.

On the contrary, both Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka should present to the electorate a balance-sheet of what they promised during all these years and what they fulfilled. Priyanka had been a star campaigner for her brother in the elections.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mrs. Sonia Gandhi: No Indian by heart?

Mrs. Sonia Gandhi: No Indian by heart?

Media reports have it that both Congress President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and her son Vice-President Rahul Gandhi have, so far, not congratulated BJP and Mr. Narendra Modi for their victory in the recent Lok Sabha elections. This is the least elementary courtesy expected of a vanquished leader and party in a democracy. All political leaders and parties have been following this practice in the past. Even Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh spoke to Mr. Modi and congratulated him. All what Mrs. Sonia Gandhi stated in her first Press meet on May 16 acknowledging defeat of Congress was that she wished well for the new government. Her son had kept silent.

What does all this indicate? Mrs. Sonia Gandhi's conduct is not in keeping with the Indian traditions and ethos. Mrs. Gandhi took a long period of about 12 years to seek and get Indian citizenship after her marriage to late Rajiv Gandhi. This only shows that even if Mrs. Gandhi has become a citizen of this great country, she has not so far become an Indian in her heart. She has not become one with the Indian way of life and culture. It looks only the label has changed and the person remains the same as before.

As far as our knowledge goes, this elementary courtesy is followed all over the world, at least in the democratic world and even in the country of her birth. The defeated leaders hail their opponent's victory and congratulate them.

It is pertinent to recall that when former President of India Giani Zail Singh died, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi had failed to pay her respects to the departed soul. She had refrained from visiting his residence and expressing her condolences. She seems to have not forgotten the bitter relations her husband late prime minister Rajiv Gandhi had with President Zail Singh. But that behavior is un-Indian. We in India pay our tributes even to our enemy on his death and visit his/her home uninvited. What should the people of India construe from this behavior of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and her son?

Note: The results were declared on Friday, the 16th May. According to Press reports Mrs. Gandhi sent a congratulatory letter to Mr. Modi on Tuesday, the 20th May which was made public actually on Thursday, the May 22 after it was a talk of the town and the media of Mrs. Gandhi's courtesy lapse. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

THE SUNDAY SENTIMENT October 27, 2013 Congress over-sensitive

THE SUNDAY SENTIMENT                                                 October 27, 2013

Congress over-sensitive
How is shahzaada "undignified"?

 Congress has taken exception to BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate and Gujarat Chief Minister Narinder Modi using the word "shahzaada" to refer to its Vice-President Mr. Rahul Gandhi.  Calling upon him (Mr. Modi) to desist from using "undignified" language, Congress spokesperson Janardhan Dwivedi said their vice-president should be addressed in the same manner in which he addresses people.
The Congress reaction, on the face of it, displays over-sensitivity on the part of the party.  The word "shahzaada" can, by no standards, be called or considered "undignified".  On the use of word "shahzaada" Congress is fuming — and threatening Mr. Modi — the same Mr. Modi whom Mrs. Sonia Gandhi had no regrets to call "maut ka saudaagar". Shahzaada is an Urdu word meaning a "prince" which cannot be taken as "undignified".
It is true that the word "prince" or shahzaada is an antithesis to democracy. It revives in us the memories of a bygone era of monarchic governance. Yet, at the same time, we cannot deny the fact that since the times of late Mrs. Indira Gandhi in early seventies, even in Indian democracy the ruling Congress Party stands reduced to a dynastic entity where the crown prince is the apparent heir to the throne on relinquishing or death of the head of the ruling family. This transformation of Congress party into a dynastic organism has resulted in Indian democracy, in effective, turning into a dynastic democracy as for as the ruling party is concerned. First, Mrs. Gandhi groomed late Sanjay Gandhi and after his unfortunate death, made the reluctant Indian Airlines pilot, her elder son, Rajiv Gandhi as the heir apparent. This became a reality following her unfortunate assassination and the crown prince was elevated to the throne.

I am reminded of a prophetic comment by a journalist friend in Shimla. Following Mrs. Gandhi's death Doordarshan was giving live coverage to people queuing up before her body to pay their homage. Looking at Rajiv Gandhi and his son Rahul, then in early teens, my friend remarked, "We have a glimpse of three generations of our prime ministers — past (Mrs. Gandhi), present (Mr. Rajiv) and future (Mr. Rahul)".

Only exception to the rule during the last about 40 years was in 1991 when Mr. Rajiv was unfortunately killed. His widow, then, refused to take the reins of the party, then not in power but in opposition. Till then she had not thought it fit even to be an ordinary member of the Congress Party. In March 1996 she came out from her self-imposed political exile, joined the Congress and in just two months was catapulted into the position of national Presidentship of the party. She was, at one time, projected as the prime ministerial candidate and in what circumstances she renunciated her claim and brought in Dr. Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister is a matter of discussion and controversy.

In democracy, people are enrolled into party as ordinary members. They rise to be leaders through a long and tedious process of perseverance, strife and struggle. This is not true either of the three Gandhis — Mr. Sanjay or Mr. Rajiv Gandhi or Mrs. Sonia or now Mr. Rahul.

Since then in the ruling Congress Party dynasty has become the rule; democratic election of leader an exception. Like his father and in the present circumstances, how can calling Mr. Rahul as prince or shahzaada be irrelevant and wrong?

If Congress party, despite its claims to be a stickler to the principles of democracy, is not a political dynasty how is it that after some Congressmen entertained some doubts about the capability of Mr. Rahul Gandhi to steer the Congress boat out of the present turbulent times to the bank of power, some threw up the idea of Mrs. Priyanka Gandhi being made the leader instead of looking up to any person beyond the dynasty?

It is not only the Congress, the likes of Rashtriya Janata Dal of Bihar, National Conference in Kashmir, Samajwadi Party of Mr. Mulayam Singh Yadav and the like, too are sailing in the same boat as far as dynastic politics is concerned.

The words shahzaada or sahibzaada we use in our day-to-day parlance. We call our friend or relation's son or daughter as "aapke shahzaade or shahzaadi or aapke sahibzaade or sahibzaadi". Nobody takes offence to such epithets.

We and our media are used to calling Mr. Amitabh Bacchan as shehanshah, Ms Lata Mangeshkar as "Melody Queen" and Mr. Shah Rukh Khan as "King