Showing posts with label Teesta Setalvad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teesta Setalvad. Show all posts

Saturday, May 9, 2015



By Amba Charan Vashishth

Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Mrs. Smriti Irani stoutly stood her ground when she was charged with "saffronisation" of education and packing academic bodies with "Hindutva scholars". She "tore into opposition" as the media put it, and pointed out that even leftists and others were also there. But their criticism of her does raise some questions.
India is a great country whose diversity is a great asset and it also contributes to unity because the nation is uppermost in everyone's heart. Our 'secularists' speak of 'composite culture' and 'inclusive approach'. This should, in the normal course, include every section of people, every thought, every opinion and every way of life, to the exclusion of none. But when it comes to those  working and fighting for the nation and are nationalists to the core in their heart, mind, word and action, they become "saffron" and to a great extent, untouchable to this 'exclusive' class of 'secular-liberals'.  That is why, whether it was the earlier NDA government of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee or the present one under Shri Narendra Modi, saffron is the colour that irritates their eyes the most like pepper. "Saffronisation, saffronisation" is the shout with which they sore their throat.
There is no gainsaying the fact that by their acts, behaviour and opinion the 'secular-liberal' people suffer from a superiority complex which, in reality, is construed as the inferiority complex. Whatever it is, the practitioners of fascism are not ready to hark the other view. They are self-centered and self-righteous for whom everybody else is a fool if he doesn't agree with them. The traits of these self-righteous people are disrespectful to the point of view different or opposite to theirs. This behaviour is antagonistic to the spirit of democracy which is rule by majority opinion.  It is risky to say that they are sticklers to the rule of law and the Constitution.  
With their stand the 'secularists'  exhibit their scorn for the highest court of the country, the Supreme Court, which has ruled that Hinduism/Hindutva is not a religion but a way of life. It found nothing obnoxious with the concept.  By presenting Hindutva in bad light, they are injuring and insulting the very soul of India. Yet, to them, Hinduism and Hindutva remain offensive and detestable but those convicted or involved in heinous crimes like murder, rape and corruption are pious souls who must be welcomed with open arms and heart.  For them the blood of crime and corruption is thicker than water. Just a few recent instances.
Lalu Prasad Yadav stands convicted and sentenced to five years of jail on having been found guilty of corruption. He has been divested of his membership of Parliament.
Within two weeks of his being granted bail by the Supreme Court, the then Congress-led UPA government appointed Binayak Sen on the board of one of the steering committees of the Planning Commission to give inputs for 12th Plan on health related issues. Sen has been sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of treason.
Mrs. Teesta Setalvad was decorated with Padmashree in "social service" category by the UPA government. The 'social service' she rendered is known to everybody. The only merit in her is that she has always been crying wolf against the then Gujarat chief minister Shri Narendra Modi. It is also well known that she is facing criminal charges for having swindled crores of rupees she collected from people within and abroad for Gujarat riot victims.

These individuals and many more are the blue-eyed boys of the 'secular-liberals' and those promoting the spirit of nationalism are, for them, 'criminals' who must be kept miles away from every forum.                                      ***

Sunday, February 15, 2015

SUNDAY SENTIMENT — Law & Justice with Many Manifestations

Law and  Justice with Many Manifestations

The last week was witness to two new and different manifestations of law and justice.

The Supreme Court of India restrained the Gujarat Police from arresting till February 19 the controversial human rights activists Ms Teesta Setalvad and her husband against whom cases of embezzlement and cheating have been registered. Earlier, the Gujarat High Court had rejected the anticipatory bail plea of Teesta and her husband Javed Anand, observing that "they cannot be armoured with full-fledged anticipatory bail when the applicant did not cooperate with the investigation". The court referred to "shocking facts" about the misuse of funds for "personal" benefit.

Some human rights activists are taking the plea that the case against Ms Setalvad is motivated by the Gujarat Police for her active involvement in helping the Gujarat riot victims to seek justice. It is true that she had filed many cases against the government.

In fact, just as there is a motive behind every murder and other crimes, there is also a motive behind a case against any individual or party. While the impulse for a crime can be the desire to seek revenge or financial and property benefit, the desire for filing a case against a person or group can be to seek justice. So no case can be wished away or thrown out just because the accuser has some enmity or grouse against the person complained against. Murders take place because of some enmity. Even in the case of a rape, the accused can take the plea that the complainant had some grouse against him. But that cannot prevent either the police from investigating the case or the trial court from hearing it. The investigating agency and the trial court have to go by the record, evidence and arguments against the person accused and declare its verdict.

The Teesta case has also raised a very vital question of equality of every citizen before law. Can we say that our courts are similarly condescending towards all the persons who are facing similar charges as does Teesta?

Those interested to go further into Teesta Setalvad case can read "The Truth About Teesta" published by Prabhat Prakashan, New Delhi. Its e-book edition has been published by Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Google.  

Deccan Chronicle chief arrested

On February 14 the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested T Venkattram Reddy, chairman of Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd (DCHL),  on charges of loan fraud.

Subrata Roy (Sahara) case

It is not out of context to recall that the Supreme Court of India has put Sahara group chairman Subrata Roy in Delhi's Tihar Jail for failing to return the hundreds of crores of money he raised from investors. All his pleas for being released on bail have been rejected. He is now struggling to sell his properties to raise money so that he can refund investors' money and get out of jail. He is in jail for the last about one year.

These are the three manifestations of the stark reality our law and justice. Let readers draw their own judgement.                                                                                                      ***